A Magical Day of Crafting

McDonald’s asked us to share a day in our life, and we jumped at the chance. My husband and I like to surprise our kids with unexpected adventures. It’s not odd for my children to pop out of bed in the morning and the entire house is yarn bombed, or we announce that we’re headed to a camping spot a few states away. Sharing these days is just the kind of thing that gets our creative wheels turning.

When the kids woke up, our plan was to create the best day ever. (Why not set your goals high?) My kiddos love making stuff—and they can’t seem to get their hands out of my art supplies—so we combined their favorite things and mixed in some sunshine! Watch the video to see how we captured our magical day.

I was still jamming on all of the crafting when we got home, so I took the McDonald’s bags and turned them into one last craft! Read the tutorial below to see how you can make rainbow crayons with your family.

DIY Recycled Rainbow Crayons

Recycled Rainbow Crayons DIY

When you work with crayons, you end up with bits and fragments that usually get thrown away.  I can’t stand to part with those tiny wax survivors, so I always have a separate box that I put them in. I’ve melted them down and used them in wax-resistant art in the past, but this time I decided to use the bits as they are and roll my own!  You’ll be impressed by how easy they are to make (and how much fun you will have coloring with them).

What You’ll Need

Recycled Rainbow Crayons DIY
  • 8.5 in. x 11 in. white paper (we used the inside of a recycled McDonald’s bag)
  • Scissors
  • Broken Crayon Bits
  • Glue Stick
  • Craft Knife


Recycled Rainbow Crayons DIY

Cut your paper into fourths by folding it in half and folding it in half again. Cut along the folded lines and you’ll have four rectangles. Have your child draw a picture of whatever they’d like on one side only. Then fold up the paper on one side, creating a little tray like the first picture above. Next, take your glue stick and cover the entire piece of paper in glue.

Recycled Rainbow Crayons DIY

Using your craft knife, cut the ends of your crayon bits to ensure they’re smooth and even. Line them up in the tray and start rolling the paper over the crayons until the paper is completely rolled up. Using your glue stick, tack down any edge that didn’t get enough glue the first time around. Your rainbow crayons are ready to create colorful masterpieces .

Recycled Rainbow Crayons DIY

This little mama is a maker down to her tiny little toes. Charlotte’s gigantic smile is proof that our crafty plan worked, and that we sincerely had a magical day!

This post is sponsored by McDonald’s.