Tiny St. Patrick’s Day Gifts for Leprechauns

Tiny St. Patrick's Day Gifts for Leprechauns

St. Patricks Day is a big to-do around our house. Not that we’re Irish or anything, though my third child’s name is Murphy (named after my brother, who was named after a great Aunt’s husband that was indeed Irish).

I’ve always told my little Murphy that he was half leprechaun and that St. Patrick’s Day is when everyone celebrates the tiny keepers of gold like himself. So every year, we leave gifts for his leprechaun half-brothers. They’re very tiny, so the gifts have to be tiny, too!

Tiny St. Patrick's Day Gifts for Leprechauns

What makes the perfect gift for a leprechaun? Gold, of course, so this year we packed our gifts with gold glitter. They also love anything to do with rainbows and it never hurts to add a healthy dose of candy. We typically leave the gifts on the kitchen table and we usually find something magical that the leprechauns leave behind…

Tiny St. Patrick's Day Gifts for Leprechauns

The only way to know if a leprechaun lives on your side of town is to surprise him on St. Patrick’s Day with a small token of your appreciation. Leave a tiny gift or handwritten note and watch the excitement in your little one’s eyes when the lucky leprechaun pays a visit!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!