Through a child’s eyes, bathtubs are for swimming, walls are for painting, furniture is for climbing, and beds are for jumping. Not only do the designers at Madrid-based PLAYOFFICE wholeheartedly agree, it’s in their manifesto.
Take a look at these amazing children’s spaces and objects they’ve designed and you just might find yourself agreeing as well…

Secret Reading Wardrobe
Growing up, the family bookcase was the starting point for all my adventures. I can only imagine how cool it would’ve been to be able to crawl inside the bookcase itself!

Frame It
This ingenious frame gives kids the instant satisfaction of seeing their work framed and on display in the family art gallery.

Reading Net
Another perfect way to enjoy a good book. Who needs chairs, anyway?

Music Box
A literal interpretation of the music box—soundproofing keeps parents sane while the kids make noise.
Visit PLAYOFFICE to see more of their work!