Reknit Something Old into New

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Reknit is a project by designer Haik Avanian that turns old sweaters into new objects, with a little help from Avanian’s mom. For the month of February, send an old sweater to Avanian’s mom and she will unravel it and turn it into a pair of cut-off gloves.

From Avanian’s website:

“Reknit launched on January 4th, 2010 as a small project to share a resourceful family tradition with the world, and to encourage my mom to partake in her hobby more often. The project is based around the idea of reclaiming yarn from old clothes, and reknitting that yarn into something new and useful. It’s a simple form of re-using / re-purposing that can be very fun. The site will feature a different item each month, which will be decided by user submitted votes.”