I love plastic flowers! My favorite swimsuit is a cute vintage one covered in plastic daisies. Flowers make lovely decorations for t-shirts, jumpers, handbags, cases–the options are endless! This project is really easy; you only need scissors or a knife for studding if you choose a piece of light cloth like cotton. Recycle your old plastic file dividers or any scrap of soft plastic and get a lovely customized t-shirt!

What you need
- Printable pattern (download here)
- T-Shirt
- Plastic file dividers / PVC or any plastic tablecloth
- Studs
- Pins
- Scissors
- Pencil or permanent marker
Step 1

Download, print, and cut out flower templates. Using a pencil or marker, trace 2 shapes of each design onto your plastic file dividers and cut out.
Make sure it’s a very smooth and soft plastic!
Step 2

Lay down your t-shirt and distribute flowers following the template or creating a different composition. Pin plastic flowers to the front side of the t-shirt, but be careful to pin just in the middle of the flower.
Try your t-shirt on to see how it looks! Correct flower positions if needed. Trace the center of each flower onto the t-shirt with a pencil.
Step 3

Now stud flowers to the t-shirt. Piercing flower first, then studding it to the fabric. Take the back of the cloth and bend stud’s spikes inward, pressing with scissors onto a hard surface.
Step 4

Repeat the process with all the flowers.

Enjoy your new t-shirt :)
Happy crafting!