I love collecting interesting boxes and containers. I’ll even make decisions on what groceries to buy based on the packaging! When browsing the grocery store, I instantly knew that these sardine cans would be perfect for mini dioramas.

The best thing about these wildlife dioramas is that the possibilities are endless. The cans can be any shape or size, and use up the craft supplies you already have on hand. Repurposing what you already have into something cute is all part of the fun!
What You Need

- Assorted sardine cans
- Felt scraps
- Paint
- Paintbrushes
- Glue
- Scissors
- Pom poms
- String
- Small plastic animals
- Misc craft supplies

- Remove the peel-back lids of the sardine cans and wash and dry the cans thoroughly.
- Cut and glue felt into the can as a background for the diorama. You could also do this with paper or paint for something more detailed.
- For the desert diorama, I cut pieces of cardstock into hills of sand and covered them in glitter. Once dry, I glued them into the can and glued the hot pink camel in front.
- For the jungle diorama, I cut green cardstock into tropical leaves and glued them into the can. I glued the yellow lion in the middle and added a few blades of grass (more cardstock) next to him.
- For the forest diorama, I made three evergreen trees out of felt and glued them in place. I added a few miniature toadstools and felt blades of grass next to the trees, and finally attached the golden rabbit leaping out of the forest.
- For the wild blueberries, I used pipe cleaners to make the stem of the plant and added leaves (cardstock covered in green glitter) onto the stem. Cut tiny circles of contrasting blue felt, glue onto blue pom poms to make blueberries, and then attach these to the pipe cleaner stem.
- And finally, for the caterpillar diorama, I cut and folded cardstock leaves and glued them into the can. Glue pom poms together to make a caterpillar and then add two pieces of string for the antenna. Use a fine tip marker to draw on a face and glue the caterpillar onto a leaf in the can.

Happy crafting!