Is your Dad a big sports fan? This Father’s Day, decorate with these simple felt pennants! If your dad has a favorite team, use felt in the team’s official colors. Not a big sports fan? No biggie – you could also use your dad’s favorite colors!

I don’t know about you, but my dad was always up way too early to want breakfast in bed. That doesn’t mean you can’t set up a little surprise for later though! Hang your felt pennants on the wall in your kitchen or dining room and make a little buffet of your dad’s favorite treats – he’s sure to thank you for it!
What You Need

- Felt
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Chalk
- String/cord
- Paint and paintbrushes (optional)

Step 1
Use chalk to draw a triangle onto a piece of felt – these ones are 6” wide at the base and 9” long – and cut out.

Step 2
For the edge detail, cut out strips in contrasting felt. One strip should be ½” wide and long enough to cover the triangle base, and the other two strips should be ¼” wide and 4” long. Fold the thin strips in half and glue in place as shown. Then glue the wider strip on top. Repeat for all triangles.

Step 3
Use string to write a message (“We love Dad!”) onto the triangle, using glue to keep in place. This method can be a bit trickier for younger kids, so try capital letters instead of cursive, or use paint and a brush instead.

Step 4
Another way to decorate the pennants is to cut felt into letters and glue in place.

Step 5
You can do the same thing with hearts or other shapes as well!

Happy crafting!