This post is sponsored by Kid Made Modern.

5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1 … happy new year!! Well, not quite yet but with 2018 quickly coming to a close, today wanted to share these crazy fun NYE glasses! These are so much fun to make with your kids and you only need a handful of materials. We’re huge fans of pipe cleaners, so it’s a no-brainer that we embraced all the amazing metallic and bright colors that come in Kid Made Modern’s craft kits. Mix and match all your favorite shades to make the perfect pair of fireworks glasses for the big night!
For the base, you can use an old pair of sunglasses and pop the lenses out, or some party stores have lens-free glasses that are ready to use. Pick a variety of shapes – round ones lend themselves nicely to a floral look, or make them all festive and fireworks inspired! Get those pipe cleaners out and have fun getting creative – the video above show the whole process, but keep reading to see the full written instructions below.

what you need:

- Kid Made Modern Arts and Crafts Supply Library (pipe cleaners and scissors)
- Kid Made Modern Sparkle Stash Kit (pipe cleaners)
- Sunglasses (with lenses popped out)
- Hot glue gun

Step 1
Begin by picking out your glasses and pipe cleaners – make sure the lenses are popped out before you begin! Twist the pipe cleaner around the glasses frames, keeping them snug together so that the frames are covered completely. The pipe cleaners should stay nice and secure without any glue. Continue wrapping the glasses, adding on more pipe cleaners as needed.

Step 2
Time to add the fun bits! Use more pipe cleaners to shape in playful designs – for this pink pair, we shaped the pipe cleaners into petals so that the glasses look like flowers. Use hot glue to attach these shapes onto the glasses.

Step 3
Repeat this process with as many glasses as you like! For this pair, we simply bent silver pipe cleaners into V shapes and hot glued around the outside of the frames to look like fireworks.

And your custom made New Year’s Eve glasses are ready to wear!! The great thing about these is that since they’re not specific to 2019, you can pack them away with the rest of your holiday decor and reuse them again next year!

Happy crafting!!