Mix ‘n’ Match Snowman Magnets

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Build a snowman (or a snow lady or snow kid) without ever stepping out into the snow! These mix and match magnets are fun to make and even more fun to play with. Create one snow person, then change out a piece or two for a whole new look!

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Use these magnets on a magnet board for a fun snowy day activity. Or keep them on your refrigerator so the whole family can join the fun of designing snow people!

Templates for snowman accessories make it easy to jump in, but you can design your own items for the snow people to wear too. Maybe your snowman wants boots, or your snow lady could wear a skirt. They could even have animal ears!

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Do you want to build a snowman? They grab some supplies and get started!

what you need:

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets


Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Step 1
Paint the front of the discs white. It will take several coats of paint, so continue with the steps while you wait for each layer of paint to dry.

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Step 2
Print out the Mix ‘n’ Match Snowman PDF. Trace the pattern pieces onto the non-shiny side of the freezer paper. Group the templates by the color you want the pieces to be.

You may want more than one of some pieces, just in different colors.

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Step 3
Iron the freezer paper to the felt pieces. The shiny side of the freezer paper will hold to the felt and make it easier to accurately cut the shapes.

Cut out the shapes, then peel the freezer paper away.

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Step 4
After the discs are all painted and dry, add a few details with paint.

I painted simple carrot noses, dots for eyes, and a little smile. The dots don’t have to be perfect because they represent lumps of coal. You can also add buttons to some pieces and a headband for earmuffs.

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Step 5
After the painted details dry, start attaching the felt pieces. Place the pieces on the wooden discs first to see what parts hang over the edges. Add glue only to the areas that will stick to the discs.

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

For the felt elements with more than one piece, layer the pieces. Decorate as many snow people pieces as you want!

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Step 6
Glue a magnet to the back of each disc.

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Grab three magnets and design a snowman! Take a few more pieces and build a few more snow friends!

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Swap out a piece to try out a new look for your snow person. What scarf does this snow person want to wear today?

Mix 'n' Match Snowman Magnets

Add all these magnets to your fridge or a magnet board and see what other kinds of combinations you can come up with!

Happy crafting!