April showers bring May flowers! If you’re looking for a quick way to add a pop of color to your home for spring and summer, look no further! This floral wall hanging is made from felt and pipe cleaners and comes together in almost no time. Pipe cleaners are a great material for kids to work with – they’re a wonderful introduction to simple shapes and sculpting, and the pipe cleaners can be super forgiving. Keep reading for the full how-to below!

what you need:

- Pipe cleaner
- Felt
- Wooden dowel
- Scissors
- White glue (or hot glue gun)

Step 1
Begin by assembling your flowers. Bend a pipe cleaner into a teardrop shape and twist together. Cut off any excess, leaving a small twist so that the petal keeps its shape. Repeat so that you have at least five petals.

Step 2
Twist the flower petals together if you have enough excess at the center, or use glue – white glue will work here, but if you’re in a hurry hot glue will be best. Next cut a small circle out of felt to be the center of the flower. Glue in place over the center, hiding the pipe cleaner twists from being visible.

Step 3
Use green pipe cleaners to form leaves. Do this almost exactly the same way as you made the petals earlier, but pinch a little bend at the end of each leaf so that they’re more leaf-like and not round.

Step 4
Make as many flowers and leaves as needed and lay them out onto a piece of felt. Arrange and place them so that they form an even banner shape as much as possible. Fill any gaps with leaves, making extra if needed. Once you’re happy with the arrangement, use white glue to secure each flower and leaf in place. Set aside to dry completely.

Step 5
Once the glue has dried, use scissors to trim along the edge of the felt, cutting the excess off so that you’re left only with the banner shape.

Step 6
Finally, cut two small rectangles from the felt off-cuts. Fold each in half, gluing into loops. Glue these loops to the backside of the banner, close to the ends. Feed the wooden dowel through the loops and let the glue dry completely.

Hang your banner directly onto a nail or push pin, or tie a string to the wooden dowel to hang if you prefer.

Happy crafting!!