DIY Pinata Cupcakes

DIY Pinata Cupcakes DIY Pinata Cupcakes

I did a double take when I came across these yummy treats. Everyone loves those amazing piñata cookies, but what about piñata cupcakes? This recipe from blogger La Receta de la Felicidad shows you how to turn any cupcake, muffin, or cake (or any dessert for that matter) into a piñata by adding a chocolate dome filled with sweet surprises.

DIY Pinata Cupcakes DIY Pinata Cupcakes

The La Receta de la Felicidad blog is filled with wonderful images of culinary bliss. The photography is completely amazing and the recipes are yours for the taking.

Strawberry Ice Cream and Cloud Macaroons

This gorgeous treat is to die for! First of all, I love macaroons. Double that love when you pair them with strawberry ice cream! Find all the details here.