We had the best time working on this fun series of pom poms inspired by a dozen endangered animals. We teamed up with our friends Purl Soho and love how these animals turned out. Keep reading to see the whole bunch of them below!

Polar Bear Pom Pom
We love this cutie that launched the series earlier this year! This polar bear is a great one to start on – it’s nice and simple using one color of yarn with added felt details after the fact. A perfect warm up for the rest of the poms poms!

Galapagos Penguin Pom Pom
This friendly penguin is another fairly simple one, but boy is he cute!

Amur Leopard Pom Pom
The pattern on this leopard pom pom may look intimidating at first, but we promise that the technique is easier than it looks!

Elephant Pom Pom
Make a miniature pom pom version of everyone’s favorite gentle giant: the elephant! We modeled this pom pom on the endangered Borneo Pygmy elephan.

Green Turtle Pom Pom
This pom pom is different from all the ones before – instead of making a pom pom head, we’re instead making the turtle shell the pom pom!

Dugong Pom Pom
Have you heard of the dungong before? They are closely related to manatees and are sometimes even called sea cows as they love eating grass in the ocean. Isn’t he a charming little guy?

Bonobo Pom Pom
Did you know that bonobos are very closely related to chimpanzees? They actually weren’t even recognized as their own separate species until 1929! We love this friendly fellow!

Giant Tortoise Pom Pom
The technique we used to make this tortoise is quite similar to that of the green turtle! For this one though, we used two shades of yarn to make a subtle patchwork pattern to add detail to the shell.

Black Rhino Pom Pom
No need to be frightened – this rhino pom pom is easy to make and very friendly! The black rhino is still critically endangered but fortunately the population is slowly increasing.

Tiger Pom Pom
This is another pom pom that looks intimidating at first, but just like with the leopard the pattern is actually really simple to do!

Giant Panda Pom Pom
If you made the polar bear pom pom earlier, this panda one is very similar in technique but with a few key differences in the felt!

Snow Leopard Pom Pom
And finally is the snow leopard, one of our favorites from this series. This amazing wild cat lives in the mountains of about 12 countries but unfortunately, the population is dropping due to hunters and habitat loss.